Co-working space growing rapidly
04 Apr 2016, Lucy Racheva
Co-working spaces are becoming more and more popular among large and small companies, according to a survey of one of the world's largest commercial real estate company.
This shared offices are attractive to enterprises, because they benefit of new talents, fresh ideas and low-costs for real estate.
Shared-spaces are booming in New York and Washington, D.C. They has been doubled there over the past 5 years.
Owners of old or unused office buildings reconsider their usage by reconstructing and refreshing the office space.
There is a tendency for annual growth of co-working spaces and long-term sustainability of such model, because it provides:
• economic certainty and lower costs (usually it is a short-term real estate lease and the prices of standard offices continue to increase);
• access to modern technology;
• ability for people to work from anywhere and anytime;
• creative and fresh work environment;
• opportunity to communicate and work with diverse specialists.
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